
RRP What is Your Game Missing, to Win? Download Only

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $84.00.

The third instalment to What is Your Game Missing? and What is Your Game Missing, Now? has arrived with new landmark findings that denote replicated successa world first. Not only have distinct markers been identified, but a line has been drawn that what separates the best in the world from winning a singular Grand Slam, to multiple Grand Slam Championships. With discussions around injury prevention and athlete pathways to success, this is the much anticipated release that is a must read for all elite athletes, or those aspiring to join the elite ranks in the years to come.

Long has it been thought that injuries are an end product of sports participation. From youth sport to elite dominance, the innate behavioural process of what it takes to identify between fact and opinion is brought forward to discern between truth and fabrications in this third instalment.

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Long has it been thought that injuries are an end product of sports participation. From youth sport to elite dominance, the innate behavioural process of what it takes to identify between fact and opinion is brought forward to discern between truth and fabrications. The scientific undertone remains steady in its varied shapes as the sport of tennis is used to deliver a new road forward. Steps are identified to combat the injury crisis — from the elite playing group to youth activity rates with the elite granted years at their peak and how adolescent athletes can cross the threshold in the years to come.

A player’s technical proponents are laid bare with strengths, weaknesses and most telling, how to win against the best players in the world. In doing so, a much broader scale of impact sits on the cusp of change by incepting micro communities around the world. From increasing the rate of participation, removing the risk of technical injury whilst delivering a healthier, active and more robust population isn’t the only benefit. When it comes to the one-percenters of the elite, a new identifier in the golden rule not only weighs in on the role of a player’s relationship to the top, but perhaps the most substantial finding this decade: replicated success — to win more than one Grand Slam Championship. And tennis is only the beginning.

Initial Publication: July 2020

Latest Edition: May, 2022

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Pages: 386

RRP: AU$89.00

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