Be Remarkable

From the unthinkable to the unstoppable. From the brink of collapse to the unfathomable heights of success. It’s imaginable. It’s been made possible. And now Dr Berge is with you every step of the way PLUS with exclusive elite performance packages now available for a select crop committed towards embarking on their journey towards the next Top 10 of play. But first, Dr B’s landmark Collection sets the stage for what’s to come.

Welcome to the Female Era

A world leader to a world instigator. A systematic designer to an acclaimed author. A programmatic brilliance to a results-centric data driven mind-map. Welcome the centrepiece of tennis’ change. Introducing the astounding mind that embodies the technical-whole of the athlete. It’s now time for a Woman’s Mind. A Doctor (PhD) to an Inventor. A Scientific Analyst/Researcher to a Founder. An Author to an International Coach to Mentor. Introducing our very own, Dr Ashley Morgan Berge > our Dr B.


19 Years of Programmatic Intelligence:

In plain print. Nothing to hide. A recap of the triumphs to turbulences. It’s all in the making. It’s all in the truth-telling. A genius mind beyond the scope of yesteryear. A barrier breaker in their own right. 19 years of discovery. 13 texts and counting. A recap (as featured in each text and its respective foreword) of authenticity and validity for the truth behind the name. The truth behind the data. The truth behind the discovery.

What follows is a mind-map of its own — simplified. The wins to the heartbreaks across the last 19 years that have ascended Dr B to this very juncture, a play by play of each of the past 19 years and how each one of these years has progressively culminated towards where AM8 International is today — professionally and personally. At the helm of the WTA tour and ATP tour’s game for current and future players, this is a snippet of the backstory that has enabled players, coaches and parents alike to take charge and lead the next-generation of play.


At 18, Dr B became a Personal Trainer / Sports & Strength Conditioning Coach. Dr B was also a full-time athlete, training for 8 hours a day.


At 19, Dr B was a sponsored Elite Athlete. Dr B also commenced University and maintained her full-time training.


At 20, Dr B became a Level 1 Coach, then went on to become one of Australia’s youngest ever Level 2 Coaches permitted to go back-to-back. Just before Dr B turned 21, she received a scholarship to play and train at one of America’s leading Academies, in Texas.


At 21, Dr B was coaching some of America’s top national players as a direct result of succumbing to another injury and whilst also playing and training when healthy. That same year Dr B received a full-scholarship to a National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) DII private University that marked against the Harvard Grading Scale.

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Leave them in their wake. Your chance is now:

Excellence collects excellence. Brilliance collects brilliance. And now a place where determined minds learn to thrive. Receive exclusive access to Dr B’s Topicthread Group as a Subscriber. An informal Collection of players embarking on their journey to the Top 10 with Weekly Q & A’s made available & much more! Only here. Not available on any social network or other medium. Exclusive access to Dr B starts as a Subscriber.


At 22, Dr B spent part of the summer touring through Europe with American national players. At this time Dr B had also started her Undergraduate degree and had received a Grade Point Average (GPA) of a 4.0 (the highest attainable) in both first and second semesters. This came with multiple Dean’s awards.


At 23, Dr B again spent part of the summer touring through Europe with American national players. Due to injury, she had to fly back to Australia and leave her scholarship behind. Dr B spent the majority of the year on crutches unable to walk. This was the year Dr B completed her Undergraduate degree and started to run. This was also the year Dr B had to choose between playing and coaching — she chose coaching.


At 24, Dr B commenced her Masters. Dr B spent the summer, again, touring through Europe with American national players. On return she was asked to be the Director of a tennis program and accepted, being one of the youngest coaches, nationally, to take on such a position. After running for less than a year Dr B managed to clock up 50 km days (not weeks). Just before she turned 25, Dr B managed her biggest week yet: 180 km’s in total.


At 25, Dr B registered her first business with her Dad (AM8 International) and opted not to travel but to keep on top of her Masters (after receiving a GPA of 7.0: the highest attainable). Shortly after, her Dad passed away — just shy of Dr B’s graduation; four months later, her Grandpa passed away.

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At 26, Dr B competed in her first Ultra race (100 km) but had a DNF (Did Not Finish) due to an ongoing hamstring injury. In the same year, Dr B became recognised as a Level 3 Coach (the highest attainable globally). Soon after, Dr B commenced her PhD — she still had questions to answer that her studies until then were unable to address.


At 27, Dr B’s PhD was under full-swing – in not one, but between two Schools (a result of the depth of the work undertaken) and she was on track to complete her PhD in the minimum time frame. The same year Dr B was able to sponsor her first athlete.


A fortnight after turning 28, Dr B became unwell. Ultimately, she couldn’t run, walk, read, write, do simple tasks, let alone finish the home-stretch of her PhD without near-collapsing. Without going into detail, somehow Dr B did manage to finish her PhD and in the minimum time frame; with only four months leave taken. For an elaboration, The Secrets to Optimal Wellbeing shares more.


At 29, Dr B had PhD corrections to look after, although the entire year was all about getting her health back. That same year, Dr B competed in her first Ultra since becoming unwell — and she finished all 80 km’s of it, even though Dr B tore her tendon at the 20-25 km mark. It was about finishing and Dr B did. Mid-year, she had surgery that could have left her far-worse off (from Dr B’s ongoing health battle) and she is incredibly fortunate to still be here. 

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What’s your animal?

We’ve got Lions. We’ve got Tigers. We’ve got Cheetah’s to Kangaroo’s or Wallaby’s. All encompassed inside I am Your Tennis Coaching Guru and the blueprint towards a Top 10 ranking. The question remains, what’s your animal and where’s your pack? We’ll be waiting.

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At 30, Dr B had already published the first instalment in The Secrets to Optimal seriesThe Secrets to Optimal Performance Success, and later that year, The Secrets to Optimal Wellbeing was published. And, almost two years since submission, Dr B was officially awarded her doctorate. It was also a year of tightening the vision for what the science inside Dr B’s PhD was, and eventually over time, going to bring the world. As a result, The Science of Elite Performance was published just shy of Dr B turning 31.


At 31, it was all about bringing this vision into fruition – and so the journey began of building a Social Compilation, Topicthread (launched 5 years prior to “Threads”), that brought the world together, using the two disciplines of Dr B’s doctorate, Health and Education, with performance its overarching tone, as the vehicle to unify individuals across the world. And with that, ‘social’ was at its core – using the scientific model inside Dr B’s PhD. This saw Topicthread ( come to life.


At 32, The Secrets to Optimal Coaching Success was published, and slowly but surely, Topicthread was the World’s 1st Social Compilation – and the 1st interface with the architecture to deliver access to Health (Performance) and Education, in unison, universally. Meanwhile, quietly in the background Dr B had been working on The Elite Research Method, which was subsequently published later that year.


At 33, the first instalment of What is Your Game Missing? was released, although what followed was a bittersweet year. Dr B received a DNF, seven years after her first, in the pursuit of another 100km Ultramarathon she had trained all year to be a pacer for – calling it a day at the 50km mark with the onset of injury. As a result, delivering the second instalment of the series: What is Your Game Missing, Now? later the same year, was perhaps Dr B’s most mentally exhaustive book to date with a mixture of emotions endured throughout. Despite these temporary hurdles since overcome, it was this very book that landed the Number One spot on the top Tennis Books to read in 2020 – a milestone in itself.

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It’s time to Roar.

Let them hear you coming. Let them hear your call. Let them hear the power behind each and every ball.


At 34, with big shoes to fill, the Education release embedded inside Topicthread coincided with the publication of an eighth book and a third instalment of the same seriesWhat is Your Game Missing, to Win? And that was the first half of the year. But this year was turned upside down for many – in various ways, especially inflicting its shortcomings on the health of millions around the world. This acted as an instigator for the second half of the year: to release a pathway that players, parents, coaches and athletes alike could follow from the safety of their own home – embrace, implement and become familiar with their next steps, no matter where they were based in the world, whilst keeping their health front and centre. 


At 35, 2021 has been a catapult in a multitude of areas and a calm behind the now ten texts to date. With yet another new text in the making, The 7 Keys to Optimise Your Life was curated to reshape to reengage your life into the one you truly choose whilst sharing the ‘7’ subsets and laying the primary foundations towards developing a Top 10 tennis ranking. Now with 10 complete texts to her name, Dr B just keeps on striving to help players to coaches and now individuals, lead their best lives, as tennis lays the bedrock for establishing patterns that cultivate a lifetime of success!


Now at 36, it has been a wild ride as the world begins to reshape after the heights of the pandemic and the anticipation of an 11th text has finally arrived! The first fictional release from Dr Berge, published under AM8 International’s new fictional imprint (and new partner) Pink Octopus Books, is like no other title released before. Penned under A. M Berge to keep a clear distinction between ‘non-fiction’ and ‘fiction’, The Power of Another Woman includes an arduous near two-years of writing, exploring and creative artworks to designs all coupled into an astonishing and equal parts astounding book that explores a Woman’s self-worth to self-love whilst in the tussles of a relationship and the beauty bestowed upon each and every reader. A refreshingly bare take on issues that Women faceThe Power of Another Woman is what each and every one of us deserves after a tumultuous few years across the globe and is available in Hard CopyBlack & White and a Special Coloured Edition (as it was intended to be consumed).

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Come 37, a 12th Book from Dr B has been built to showcase the centrepiece of her work to date with the unleashing of the highly anticipated 8th Key which has been kept under wraps for the past 11 years

Welcome, “How to Develop a Top 10 Tennis Ranking: the Power of the 8th Key

And in conjunction, Dr B is now the Host of Beyond Top 10 Tennis — a Podcast available on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcasts to provide additional insights into her books and to have a broader conversation on what it really takes to ascend towards a Top 10 tennis ranking. Now is the most opportune time to get ahead and Join the Pack!

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Now at 38 and to mark Dr B’s 13th release – available on Friday the 13th December, Worldwide, ‘My [Tennis] Black Book: Federer, Nadal, Serena, Djokovic‘ is the first ‘map’ of its kind that has ever been built let alone in conjunction with the ‘Collection’ and the ‘Beyond Top 10 Tennis [Podcast]’ built to accompany you an entire season with weekly planners, tasks to complete & topics to review. Even more? It’s two-fold which means its additional component will be released February 2025!

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Start your journey to the top, today.

We’re Ready. Are You?