How it Works
Because we’re that good
Our landmark scientific findings afford The Complete Collection to be “that good” in developing the best in the world — we’re standing by it to give you even more confidence that we’re here to deliver the best: in the world.

Important Points:
- Valid for The Complete Collection special edition and Download Only version.
- Not Valid for Individual sales and/or orders.
- Buyer and/or recipient (i.e. purchased by parent/s) must be an active tennis player with 10 Years of prior play behind them i.e. they may have started playing tennis at 7 years of age and are now 17 years of age at time of purchase.
- For buyers/players with less than 10 Years of prior play experience, they must reach more than 10 Years of prior play to align with the date or purchase i.e. the player has 5 years of prior play experience at time of purchase so they must add the remaining 5 years to the money back guarantee timelines/markers.
- No other combination is valid and/or afforded to the money back guarantee offer due to the competitive nature of the game and the race to reach the top.
- Players are to ensure they’re subscribed to Dr B’s Pack (purchased separately) throughout their pathway (void from the money back guarantee)
- The money back guarantee may end at any time — so get in quick before it expires.

The Boring Bits:
- Not to be used or considered in conjunction with any other offer.
- The money back guarantee remains at the discretion of AM8 International with the supporting data, training schedule, and the known knowledge from all included texts.
- If the buyer and/or player has not been able to read and actively learn from the texts, the offer is void.
- The buyer and/or player must adhere to and implement the recommendations in all texts and actively up-skill, adapt and transition their game to align with the fundamentals in each of the included texts.
- If the player chooses not to align and/or abide to the techniques, indicators, parameters and/or any other mentioned fundamental key or contributing factor inside the respective texts, the offer is void.
- The player must be aged in line with the age requirements.
- The money back guarantee offer may stop at any time but if you’ve made your purchase whilst it was/is active, it will remain valid.
- As a player/athlete you acknowledge and understand the work involved and the need for your level of play, its maintenance and consistency to exceed your opponents’. This means despite with best efforts to implement the key parameters, if your opponents continue to outweigh and trump these levels — it is the name of the game and the nature of sports play: the competitive edge. In order to gain the edge and have your markers align, your level of maintenance is to exceed that of your opponents. By implementing and following the key parameters in The Complete Collection, you will have the knowledge and skills to trump your opponents with ease — unless they get their first.
- As the game develops over the period of the money back guarantee and new publications come to light, these will be added either to The Complete Collection or assigned as additional and key knowledge markers — dependent on where you’re at on your pathway to the Top.
- And as such, the money back guarantee offer may be updated, amended or altered to align with these new results and/or scientific findings and/or new publications if applicable and it is the buyer’s/player’s responsibility to keep updated and their performance parameters to be kept in line with this/these (which will also be reported and updated on Topicthread).
The Exciting Bits:
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we’re putting our money where the data is and the rest is up to you. This means, if you’re prepared to put your money where your aspirations and ambitions are, we’re with you, each step of the way.
Depending where you’re at on your journey to the Top, we’ve put in place some key markers to measure your progress by with a minimum of 10 Years prior experience key or 10 Years of experience added as mentioned earlier. The money back guarantee in turn comes into affect after the time period and the markers (in years). For example, using the table (below) if you’re a Top 20 player on the WTA or ATP tour, you will join the Top 10 withIn one year by following and implementing the key parameters.

The Markers
Current WTA or ATP Ranking | Expected WTA or ATP Ranking | Timeframe (Years) | Age Range |
Top 10 | Top 5 | 1 | 18 to 38 |
Top 20 | Top 10 | 1-1.5 | 18 to 36 |
Top 50 | Top 20 | 1.5-2 | 18 to 34 |
Top 100 | Top 50 | 1.5-2 | 18 to 32 |
Top 200 | Top 100 | 1.5-2 | 18 to 30 |
Top 500 | Top 200 | 2-2.5 | 18 to 28 |
Top 750 | Top 500 | 2-2.5 | 18 to 26 |
Top 1000 | Top 750 | 2-3 | 18 to 24 |

For validity, all players must keep a recording of 10 full matches played at the time of purchase within the initial 3 month period. Of these matches, the player must review and use the technical indicators inside The Complete Collection to measure these performance indicators as their baseline and keep them in an active record for review.
For players who do not hold a WTA or ATP tour ranking, the same is required. But, being mindful of the “add-on” years, you may be 2 years away from securing your initial points and this baseline will equally serve as a measure of progress.
Through reading the texts, you’ll learn about muscle memory and the need to re-condition your current style of play — to adapt in order to align with key performance parameters. This will take time. For some, it may take an additional year or more whilst for others, with less experience, it will be more easily adaptable. For the player ranked closer to 1000, you’ve a wider timeframe for this transition. For the player ranked closer to 10, the changes will be slight but reap greater rewards. But it comes down to the work you put in.
With your baseline calculated, this is to be kept in line with the footage (annotated) for this to be verified at a later date should this be necessary. You will also be required to keep a weekly journal of your progressions and regressions. This is to ensure you stay on task. You will also need to take steps to strengthen those around you — your team. And more significantly for players ranked closer to 1000 or yet to receive their initial points, the steps in the first three books are paramount as the building blocks for your future success. The later three texts are more so paramount for players inside the Top 100 to begin to transition their game to the next level. And for those who fall in between, it is all about the work — the collective work of all six texts to get your game to a progressive point that it is continually increasing your baseline towards the key parameters and your ability to maintain these key parameters consistently. Only then, are you ready for The 7 Keys.
For players who avoid the collective steps, take time off (excluding periodisation periods), suffer an injury of any kind that halts their progress, the money back guarantee becomes void. It is your responsibility to look after your body, inside and out, and to ensure you’re in control of your playing career. Likewise, if you have a less than effective coach-athlete relationship dynamic that does not reflect our key markers, it will also become void.

The work must be done. Progress must be made. The baseline is merely a starting point. You will need to recreate your new baseline at least once every 6 months. But most significantly, remember that you’re not alone. Your competitors will be creating and reaffirming their own baseline — and continuously strengthening it over the next season and beyond. This means your competitors will work with you to bring the game to the next level. Whilst daunting for some, it is equally exciting. It means that this generation — your generation, has the capacity with The Complete Collection to bring in a new level of play. It’ll be your baseline against your opponents’ baseline. And it will be up to the player who can maintain, hold and continually progress their baseline to reach their ranking bracket first.
And in the meantime, any additional texts that contribute towards The Complete Collection and are published by AM8 International within the timeframe, are to be applied and transitioned into your current performance practices and will in turn be included in the money back guarantee should this come to be.
Most excitingly, there has never been a need for the money back guarantee — ever. Sport is a finicky thing. Tennis even more so. The pathway to the top is no easy feat. But those who dare to dedicate themselves to the sport of tennis and to pave their career towards the top of the game, The Complete Collection will afford you the building blocks to do so.
But be warned: your enthusiasm, passion, dedication, desire, determination and most of all, discipline, will be the telltale sign of if you’re the next barrier breaker. Keep your journals, keep your notes, read The Complete Collection from start to finish, until it becomes second knowledge — it is designed to be and interact on Topicthread to keep tabs on the ‘need to know’ or any additional questions. And in the meantime, learn to love the baseline, learn to love the books — to read, and learn to embrace the experience of what it takes, collectively, to become an elite athlete and in doing so, the advantages to be made.
Here’s to reaching your next ranking milestone,
The AM8 International Team
last edited 28.05.2023